This is how you can Utilize The Animal Farm Staking Pools for Huge Returns!

The Animal Farm was launched on the 1st of November and is running smoothly and paying big ever since. In the past few weeks I’ve been describing several strategies one can apply to make the most out of platform.

In this article I’ll list all strategies which utilize the Single Asset Staking Pools to earn dividends and in the end BUSD which can be taken out as earnings.

Single Asset Staking Pools

First, let’s briefly explain what is meant by a Single Asset Staking Pool and where to find these on the Animal Farm. In the top menu you can find the Pools menu item in the dropdown underneath “Farms”.

All pools will allow non-native tokens to be staked and will earn DOGS tokens as rewards over time. The Animal Farm offers 5 different Staking Pools which can be utilized using one of the following assets:

  • WBNB (Wrapped BNB)
  • BUSD
  • ETH
  • BTCB (Bitcoin on Binance Smart Chain)

Flow of assets

In short for each of these pools the following applies:

  • Use or obtain the required non-native asset
  • Stake your assets in the corresponding pool
  • Wait until a reasonable amount of DOGS ($AFD) rewards have been built up
  • Claim the DOGS from the pool
  • Use the DOGS in the next step of the strategy (see reffered strategy articles)


WBNB and BTCB require some specific actions to be taken in order to prepare for staking in the pool. BNB has to be wrapped to WBNB and BTC has to be send or swapped to BTCB in order to use it on the Binance Smart Chain. These steps are covered in the referred strategies.

Utilizing the Staking Pools

As said, I’ve covered all strategie incorporating the Staking Pools in order to eventually earn BUSD which can be claimed as dividents from the platform. This includes some more steps than just staking your assets and claiming the DOGS rewards.

Pick your favorite strategy and start leveraging the opportunities offered by The Animal Farm

Strategy 4: Stake BUSD, Earn DOGS, Earn PIGS, Earn BUSD

Strategy 5: Stake BNB, Earn DOGS, Earn PIGS, Earn BUSD

Strategy 6: Stake ETH, Earn DOGS, Earn PIGS, Earn BUSD

Strategy 7: Stake CAKE, Earn DOGS, Earn PIGS, Earn BUSD

Strategy 8: Stake BTCB, Earn DOGS, Earn PIGS, Earn BUSD

Make sure you are ready and informed before you get involved in any platform and this one in particular in this case of course. Take a look at the following article describing how to build and apply a strategy which aligns with your own investment goals. Also note, there are some more strategies included which utilize other possibilities offered by the platform.




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