SEO-Friendly Article Titles: Find The Best Using This Tool (Free)

Optimizing blog articles for search engines increases their visibility and attracts more organic traffic. The title plays a vital role in the SEO score as it summarizes the content and assists search engines in determining its relevancy.

A properly optimized title has a positive impact on the article’s ranking on search engine results pages.

Therefore, it’s crucial to invest time in optimizing your article titles rather than simply adding them as an afterthought. Choose a title that accurately represents the content, is descriptive and relevant, and includes relevant keywords for better search engine and user discoverability.

In my previous article I discussed the factors that impact the Titles SEO Score:

But, why do the optimization yourself when you can use a tool to do it for you? In this article I introduce a free tool, All In One SEO (AIOSEO), that calculates the SEO score of your title and compares it with other alternatives.

Most Important Elements Impacting Your Titles SEO Score

As shared above, we extensively discussed the most important elements which are considered when calculating the SEO score of your title in the referred article. Before taking a look at the mentioned tool, lets first recap these elements briefly.

In general the following elements should be considered:

  1. Relevance: The title should be relevant to the content of the article and accurately describe what the article is about.
  2. Keywords: Including relevant keywords in the title can help improve the article’s ranking on search engine results pages.
  3. Length: The title should be concise and not too long. A title that is around 60 characters or less is recommended, as longer titles may be truncated on search engine results pages.
  4. Clarity: The title should be clear and easy to understand, avoiding ambiguity and technical jargon.
  5. Unique: Each article should have a unique and original title, rather than using a generic title for multiple articles.

More specific also take the following two topics into account:

  1. Balancing Common, Uncommon, Emotional, and Strong words. balancing these words in your title can help increase the SEO value and click-through rate of your article.
  2. First And Last Three Words. Optimizing the first three and last three words of a title can help increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages, as well as improve the overall impact and relevancy of the article.

Now lets get into our tool.

AIOSEO: All in One SEO Plugin for WordPress (Free)

In short, the All in One SEO plugin is a free plugin you can install in your WordPress website admin environment.

The suite includes a lot of features of which some require a Pro subscription to be unlocked. Others can be used for free, like the SEO Headline Optimizer as part of the TruSEO On-Page Analysis module.

Like I mentioned you can play around with your title and see how changes you make influence the SEO Headline score. This way you can find the best fitting title for your article.

While trying out different variants it will list the scores of your previous tries so you can easily switch back to one you validated before.

Don’t Stop at 80+

I’ll give you one example of the potential this tool can deliver, using the title of this article.

After playing around a bit with different options and replacing words here and there, I found the current title giving me the highest score of 84.

But then I added the “(Free)” to it and look what happened. The score increased even more to 93!

It shows that you should not stop at a high number right away. Try a bit more before picking the best one.

Important SEO Title Aspect Coverage

As discussed in the referred article, there are several elements which play a role in the calculation of the SEO Title Score. These are all covered in this Headline Analyzer tool.

Let me share you some screenshots. First the score and comparison features:

Next the use of Common, Uncommon, Emotional and Strong words scores:

Finally, the title length, word count and first 3 & final 3 words:

Wrapping Up

So we started the post with the question why would you have to do the optimization yourself? Why not use a tool to calculate the best performing options for you? I think, this All In One SEO tool clearly shows it added value for us as content creators.

The tool takes all major elements for the title SEO score into account and clearly indicates which areas are great and where improvement is needed. Don’t so no to free support.



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