Article Title Optimization: Relevant, Unique Titles To Boost Your SEO!

Optimizing blog articles for search engines improves visibility and attracts organic traffic. The title is a crucial factor in the SEO score.

It briefly describes the content and helps search engines understand relevancy. A well-optimized title positively impacts article ranking on search engine results pages.

Therefore you should really spend time optimizing our article titles and not just put something on top of text as a final thing to do.

Choose a descriptive, relevant title that accurately reflects the content. Include relevant keywords for easier search engine and user discoverability.

In this article we cover the important elements which play a role in the SEO score of an article title.

Calculate The SEO Score For Me

But why should you rank your titles based on all SEO rules yourself? Why not use a tool to do it for you? In one of my other articles I shared and discussed a (free) tool which you can utilize to calculate the SEO score of your title and compares it to alternatives.

Formulate Clear, Relevant and Unique Titles

The following elements are important in determining the SEO score of an article title:

  1. Relevance: The title should be relevant to the content of the article and accurately describe what the article is about.
  2. Keywords: Including relevant keywords in the title can help improve the article’s ranking on search engine results pages.
  3. Length: The title should be concise and not too long. A title that is around 60 characters or less is recommended, as longer titles may be truncated on search engine results pages.
  4. Clarity: The title should be clear and easy to understand, avoiding ambiguity and technical jargon.
  5. Unique: Each article should have a unique and original title, rather than using a generic title for multiple articles.

By incorporating these elements into the article title, you can help improve the SEO score of your article and increase its visibility on search engine results pages.

Balancing Common, Uncommon, Emotional, and Strong Words

An important factor related to the SEO score of your article titled are the use and the balance of common, uncommon, emotional, and strong words.

Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash

The challenge is to use them appropriately and not to overuse too many of the same category. Below these types are briefly discussed. The value as well as the pitfalls of using them.

  1. Common words: Using common words in your title can help increase the readability of your title and make it easier for users to understand what the article is about. However, using too many common words may make the title less unique and impact its ranking on search engine results pages.
  2. Uncommon words: Including uncommon words or long-tail keywords in the title can help increase the relevancy of the article and improve its ranking on search engine results pages. However, it is important to balance the use of uncommon words with common words to maintain readability and clarity.
  3. Emotional words: Using emotional words in your title can help evoke a strong emotional response from your audience and increase the click-through rate on your article. However, it’s important to use emotional words appropriately and not manipulate the reader.
  4. Strong words: Using strong and powerful words in your title can help make it more impactful and memorable, leading to a higher click-through rate. However, it’s important to use strong words in moderation and not make the title too aggressive or overbearing.

In conclusion, balancing the use of common, uncommon, emotional, and strong words in your title can help increase the SEO value and click-through rate of your article.

Its a true balancing act.

First And Last Three Words

The first three and last three words of a title play a significant role in determining the SEO score of an article. These words are often given more weight by search engines, as they provide a clear and concise summary of the content of the article.

  1. First three words: The first three words of a title are critical in conveying the main topic of the article and attracting the attention of users and search engines. They should be impactful and clearly convey the content of the article.
  2. Last three words: The last three words of a title can also impact the SEO score of an article, especially when used to include relevant keywords. However, it’s important to ensure that the last three words do not detract from the overall impact of the title.

In conclusion, optimizing the first three and last three words of a title can help increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages, as well as improve the overall impact and relevancy of the article.

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

SEO Optimized Versus Clickbait Titles

SEO optimized titles and clickbait titles are two different approaches to creating titles for articles.

  1. SEO optimized titles aim to provide clear and relevant information about the content of the article, while also including relevant keywords to improve the article’s visibility on search engine results pages.
  2. Clickbait titles, on the other hand, are designed to be sensational and misleading, often with the goal of attracting clicks and increasing website traffic. Clickbait titles may use provocative or misleading language, but do not accurately reflect the content of the article.

In general, it’s better to aim for an SEO optimized title rather than a clickbait title. While clickbait titles may initially drive traffic to your website, they can damage the credibility and reputation of your site in the long term, as well as negatively impact user experience.

On the other hand, an SEO optimized title can help attract high-quality, organic traffic to your website and improve the overall ranking of your articles on search engine results pages.

Wrapping Up

It became clear what the importance is of a Relevant, Clear and Unique title for your articles. Also which factors impact the SEO Score your article. Finally, if you aim for a longer term value of your content it turns out your better focus on an SEO Optimized title instead of using a Clickbait alternative.

With these insights, you can play around a bit to find the best suitable title to represent your article content. It might take some time while tweaking and testing but it will pay off in the long run.


Once more I recommend to check out the article we published regarding the use of a (free) tool to help you find the best optimized title



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